MISS SARAH M. KING, daughter of Milbra and Michael King, departed this life at the residence of her parents at DeFuniak Springs, Walton county, Florida, on the 13th day of November, 1893. The deceased was a young lady, twenty-eight years of age, and highly refined and cultivated. I have been intimately acquainted with the family for nineteen years, and there is perhaps no man beyond the limits of the family circle who had a better opportunity of knowing the true characteristics of the young lady than myself; and besides my intimate acquaintance with the family, it was my good fortune to have much to do in laying the basis of her primary education; and l know that, as a student, she was at all times obedient, dutiful and attentive, and never, during her whole attendance in my school, was it ever necessary to reprimand her for anything, and I feel confident that her many comrades will all bear testimony to the truth of what is here written. As she advanced more into womanhood, she was particularly noticeable for her abstinence from all the frivolous vanities of the world, and she lived and died pre-eminently above them all—-retaining, under all circumstances, the good will and confidence of all who knew her. She had never attached herself to any church, but was a firm believer in the faith and practice of the Primitive Baptists. Her father, mother and three brothers are members of the Primitive Baptist church at Ebenezer, Walton county, Florida, where her remains are buried to rest until the final resurrection of the bodies of God’s people. She was the junior member of her father’s family, composed of father, mother, youngest brother and herself. The father and brother are merchants of one of the leading firms of DeFuniak Springs, and the subject of this sketch was the faithful financial custodian of the firm, and so complete was their trust in her ability and management that I have heard her father say that he did not know the combination of his own vault. And both as a pious, lovely daughter and a prop and trusty stay in business, her place can nevermore be filled.
During her affliction, of about six months, she had all the attention and care that kind parents, sister and brothers bestow, and the best medical aid from far and near that could be procured; but her time had come–her race, though short, was run, and it seems it was needful that she should go. She expressed a desire to go and be with Jesus, and to Him we believe she is gone. She fell a prey to cancer, severing the ties of natural union with kindred and friends forever; and l am sure that the bereaved have my heartfelt sympathy in their great trials. But let us all, in faith and hope, raise our voices and say:
Thou lovely virgin, thou paragon of joy!
Thy race, though short, is run;
But rest, will we, in the world of hope,
Till in Jesus all are joined.
[Source: The Gospel Messenger, 1894]
[Burial: Unknown; parents are in Gum Creek Cemetery, Glendale]